
Fancy cars aren’t “cool”. They never have been. Shallow egos, destroying themselves and their world. #Wildfires #Tornados #Floods #Heatwaves #Famine. Our addiction to cars and consumerism is nothing if not murderous.

What’s really cool? People who spend their time and energy on life, not consumer stupidity. People who leave the wheels at home and find a better way.

Yes, in our self-destructed world — built with little foresight by the oil and motor companies — I too have a car, out of necessity. But it is a modest car and I use as little as possible. I would not spend one extra dollar on this fundamentally corrupt industry.

What is this paved, smoggy hell that our communities have become? Is this the best we can do? Will we work together to build happy, healthy communities from which we don’t to “hit the highway” and escape?

Yes, electric cars are a notch better, but only a notch. It’s still a highway to hell.

Cars are not cool. They are murder weapons, destroying our communities, our lives, our world. So the next time somebody drives by you in a BMW, Mercedes, whatever …give your head a shake. They are the lowest depths of society, absolutely nothing to aspire to.

But we are creatures of habit, most people haven’t begun to think this through. The bottom line: it is our climate that gives us air, water, food, life. Cars and materialist, consumer culture are destroying all this. Meanwhile, the illusion of a “life of leisure” and the “open road” have tricked us into a fatal situation.

Will you join the forces for change?

#driveless #flyless #depave #sustainableliving #degrowth #carfree #localism

If we are to survive what’s coming, we need to take our feet off the gas. And instead, learn to use the legs and brains we were born with.